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The Foundation is a public, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization founded in 1992 to help fund unmet park and open space needs in Montgomery County, Maryland. The Foundation works in cooperation with private citizens, businesses, foundations, The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, and the Montgomery County Department of Park and Planning.
The Foundation facilitates efforts to improve park properties and facilities, acquire new park and open space sites, promote favorite programs, or purchase equipment and other amenities. The Foundation staff can assist you or your organization with all the necessary arrangements, including coordination with the appropriate officials in the Department of Park and Planning.
Current “wish lists” for general park improvements, as well as for the Legacy Open Space program, are available for your consideration. Donations may be made as memorials or in honor of individuals, and naming opportunities are frequently available in exchange for major gifts. Gifts of trees, benches, gardens, water fountains, and other similar amenities must be approved by the particular park’s manager.
Financial support for the Foundation itself comes from grants, private donations, special events, and the sale of real estate that is not appropriate for parkland or conservation. The Foundation’s goal is to build sufficient endowment to be able to make grants to community organizations interested in carrying out park improvements.
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